Rabu, 19 September 2007

Some Types of Computer software

The language of a computer is software. Like human language, computer has many languages. Essentially, computer software can be divided into three main groups depending on their use and application. These are operating system referred simply as the Operating System, application software and programming languages. Usually, most of us interact with a computer using application software.

Operating System

Operating system is the software which used by the computer to translate inputs from various sources into a language which a computer can understand. Basically, the Operating System coordinates the different hardware components of a computer. There are many Operating System in the market. One of the most popular Operating System are from the stable of Microsoft. We have all heard, used and wondered at the Windows software, which is an Operating System. Starting with Windows, Microsoft has migrated to Vista, its latest offering in the market. It may come as a surprise to some that there are other operating systems used by others. Among these UNIX is used for large office setups with extensive networking. XENIX is software which has now become redundant. HP -UX and AIX are some operating systems used by HP computers. Apache Operating System is quite popular with web servers. IBM still uses proprietary operating systems for its main frames. Proprietary systems are generally built with the help of a variant of UNIX operating system.

Application software

A user rarely gets to see the operating system or to work with it. But most of us are familiar with application software which we must use to interact with a computer. Popular examples of application software are the Microsoft office suite which includes Excel, PowerPoint, Word, FrontPage,Publisher, etc. We have used these applications extensively. Mozilla Firefox, Internet Exploler, and Opera is three applications used to access the internet. E-mail software like Outlook express, and Mozilla Thunderbird is used to manage E-mails. It is obvious that all software utilized for working on a computer is classified as application software. In fact all user interfaces are an application.

Programming languages

Programming languages are kinds of computer software which are used exclusively by computer programmers. Unless we are also programmers, we are unlikely to use programming languages. To understand programming languages simply is to think of them as bricks which can be used to create applications and operating system. Java, C++, and Simlab are some popular programming languages. Generally Java is used for internet applications. C++ is a language of professional developers and used extensively in developing operating systems. Another language used for internet applications is PHP. There is a new class of languages which are being utilized for the mobiles. These are light weight, modular languages which are used to design mobile applications.

There are three basic categories of Computer software; System software or operating system, application software and programming languages. We usually use applications on a day to day basis. These applications were created using programming languages.

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